Thursday, September 8, 2011

What brings happiness to my house?

This is what makes my kids the happiest, it's visit from their cousins. It has been a really busy
summer, it went by way to fast. Hayden and Jacob spent the first 4 weeks in Little Rock Ark.
visiting and helping their cousin Haldan with his Eagle scout project.
Then Jen came for a visit and when she left Haldan and Weslie stayed with us for 4 weeks.
It was heaven, if you know Emma, Weslie is so special to her and she was here
for Em's Birthday and she had a playmate for 4 weeks. Haldan helped Hayden
get his Eagle Scout project done. Then when Jen and the rest of her family came back
we had the Hearn&Hansen family vacation, we went to the lake ALOT, and
then we went and stayed at The Wilderness, which is a water park hotel. So everyone
was so happy to spend so much time with their cousins. But now it has been
6 weeks since we have seen them and when it gets to that point everyone is missing each
other, it used to be a 4 hour drive now it's 9 so we are looking forward to being
together in October. I am so grateful my kids are so close to their cousins, it's an
amazing relationship I don't think I have ever seen. After being with each other for 8 weeks
the older boys just seemed closer than ever. You never hear them fight or get aggravated with one
another, it is truly an amazing thing to see. Most of all I am thankful my boys have someone they
know has their best interest at heart. All of them just seem to gravitate to one another.
No one is left out and no one feels alone, they just hang, and seemed so content to be together.
I think that is why this summer was so special, we realize things are about to change, Haldan 
already graduated high school and got a job, Hayden will be next to graduate. 
We felt like this was they last summer of their youth and wanted them to  enjoy each other, 
because now that they are growing up it won't be so easy to just hang together.

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