Friday, December 31, 2010

The New Year

Well another year has gone by and it is crazy to me how fast the years are flying by, they never seem to drag anymore. With 3 teenage boys in the house you can imagine the dynamics everyday. I often feel like my boys have all turned into Axel on the sitcom the Middle. If you have teenage sons you have to watch this show. It is funny but also sweet, it gives me hope that I am not the only mother our there who wishes their son would show some type of emotion. I often see them as the little boys they used to be and I feel so overwhelmed that in less than a year one of my sons will be 18. I just pray that I have prepared him for all that he needs to be successful in this world. When I say successful it doesn't mean have tons of money and tons of toys, it simple means I hope he will know true happiness and contentment with who he will become. As I have grown older, I have realized our success is not what we have but who we have, as I reflect, I think of a loving husband, who for the past 18 years has helped me to see somethings about myself that I love, he has helped me to finally have some self esteem to know I can do anything I put my mind too. I also have realized we have such a wonderful relationship, we are not afraid to be perfectly honest with each other( yes, this includes do I look fat in this he will tell me the truth and I am so thankful for that one!) I also think about each one of my children, and how they have each taught me something about myself, I could have never learned without them. Hayden will be 18 and that is amazing to me, sometimes I say things to him and he says "mom I'm 17" I have to remind him I still see him as my sweet little white haired boy that loved to snuggle with me. Hayden has taught me that family is the most important thing, that time makes you the happiest.He has also taught me to be organized, that boy can clean, his wife is going to be very blessed! Jacob will be 16 and he is the most honest person I know.  He will always tell the truth, he has been asked if he did somethings, which he could of lied, but he didn't he told the truth, and it  hurt him but he has always been that way. I want to be like that. Ethan will be 14 in March and he is so excited about everything, He has taught me to do new things and be excited about them. Hudson has taught me to alway be sweet and loving to people, I don't believe this boy has a mean bone in his body. He has such a sweetness about him, I hope he keeps it forever. Then there is Emma, wow what can I say, she is the girl I always wanted to be growing up.
She loves girly things but yet she is not afraid to try any boy thing. I am also blessed with amazing parents that bring so much joy to my life, they are prime examples of Christ by the way they serve others and love us unconditionally. They have done so much for me .
I am so excited about another year in the life of me. I've got somethings on my list I can't wait to cross off and I've planned to get them done this year. What a blessing it is to look forward to another year and know that Heavenly Father loves me so much and has blessed me so much, with the family I have and the support that they give me even when I'm having a hard time. So all I can say at this point is I hope all of you have these precious things in your life and I hope you realize that this is what will make for a very Happy New Year!