Tuesday, March 13, 2012


As my kids grow up, I look back on  some of the  things my kids remember most, and it's funny.It's not that great present I got for my birthday, or a trip out of town, it's the silly things we do just to celebrate holidays and be together. This was Valentines Day, sometimes I think my teens think these things are going to be dumb and won't participate, but they always surprise me, and claim they are doing it for their younger brother and sister. We played the usual how many conversational hearts can you pick up with chop sticks and how many marshmellows  can you shove in your mouth. It was fun and I know when they are away I will miss these times, but it just reminds me, it doesn't have to be big things for us to enjoy each other and make memories.

Eating a cookies without your hands
Peter is so competitive. He wanted to beat the boys

Knocking over the cans with tennis balls and panty hose.

This is us being silly again, we played a minute to win it and the older boys said"Oh this isn't going to be fun for us because these are things only and Hudson and Emma would love. Well, they were wrong, they had fun and really go into the competition of the games, especially Peter he had to beat the teens. It's all about time and finding ways to stay close and have fun. I am so blessed with my family, they drive me crazy, and keep me sane at the same time. Just like I've heard my whole time mothering, it's time and creativity that makes the memories, not money or material things. I hope I have instilled that to my children.

Ethan making a smily face with the candy, only using a straw

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Well here we go again...

I've finally realized as I've gotten older, I am a great starter. I can start any project, be super excited, then reality seeps in, and I've got so many things on my to do list that the things I enjoy slip away. Well I have also decided that ( with the help of a sister in law and a wonderful book), I need those things that get me so excited, to be a part of my life to keep me truly happy. If I just take a little time each day to do those things, I am a better wife, friend and mother. And you know it's kind of crazy but I have been working on this about a week now and I've gotten my to do list done, with the things I truly enjoy. I feel so focused on the to do things because I know the things I love are going to happen. This is a part of the things I love, my blogs, I have never gone whole hearted into the blog but I am going to try starting today. I will be posting on this blog the happiness of my life, which is my family. All 7 of them are crazy, funny, moody, silly, inspirational, and are such a joy to me. I will post  the good the bad and the ugly.